Czaplinek, Poland

Video Category

10 videos found
BIOREZ AM SCAN Software Demo
Short demo video of the AM SCAN Softare made by Enso Electronics
What is Bioresonance / Electromagnetic Therapy? And How can it help you heal naturally?
In this video I am clarifying what this therapy is, and what health conditions it can help. ...
We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future)
Nikola Tesla Was Right! "We've Found The Magic Frequency" ***SUBLIMINAL PROGRAMS*** - ...
Life Force Measured & Defined: Key to Nutrition, Architecture AND Lucid Dreaming w Dan Winter
Life Force Measured & Defined: Key to Nutrition, Architecture  AND Lucid  Dreaming , with ...
Wine glass resonance in slow motion
Marty33 Published on Mar 6, 2009 Vibration and shattering of a wine glass in front of a ...
Water Sound Images of a Gong by Alexander Lauterwasser
ZEN SOUND Published on May 27, 2014 Resonance is a central phenomena in Sound Therapy and it ...
Sonic Geometry: The Language of Frequency and Form
Alanna Luna Published on Sep 21, 2013 UPDATE! You can now experience Sonic Geometry LIVE inside ...
How Bioresonance Therapy works
Bioresonance Therapy Published on Jul 7, 2012 For more information
Rife / Active Resonance under a Microscope
Rife / Active Bioresonance - Under a Microscope. Application of induction loop - blasting the ...